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    O Tannenbaum Sampler Leaflet 211 - Cross Stitch Chart

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      Celebrate the beloved Christmas tree in stitching and song in English and German.
      English words read: "O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree! Thou tree most fair and lovely!
      The sight of thee at Christmastide spreads hope and gladness far and wide.
      O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree! Thou tree most fair and lovely." The German verse reads: "O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum! Wie treu sind deine blaetter!
      Dugruenst nicht nur zur sommerzeit, nein, auch im winter, wenn es schneit. O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum! Wie treu sind deine blaetter."
      Stitch Count: 101w x 246h
      Approximately Design Size: 7.25" x 17.50" on 14ct.
      Model stitched on 28ct aged ecru Stoney Creek Dyed Fabric over 2 threads.
      *This design was originally published in the out of print July/August 2005 issue of the Stoney Creek Magazine.
      Type of Product: Needle Art Charts & Kits
      Purchase O Tannenbaum Sampler Leaflet 211 - Cross Stitch Chart

      O Tannenbaum Sampler Leaflet 211 - Cross Stitch Chart

      by Stoney Creek Collection Item #: 18-21612


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      R407 Brass - Glissen Gloss Rainbow - TGR407 + $3.30/ea.
      R000 White - Glissen Gloss Rainbow - TGR000 + $3.30/ea.
      03049 Rich Red - Antique Seed Glass Beads - B03049 + $3.15/ea.

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      O Tannenbaum Sampler Leaflet 211 - Cross Stitch Chart
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